Miro Kubiš
Personal & Business Development Consultant
My name is Miroslav Kubiš and I have over 15 years of experience in tailor-made personal development in the field of soft skills. Read more about my work experience, my approach and how I achieve results in companies.
How did I get into entrepreneurship?
- My professional career began practically in high school when I worked for a company in the field of financial education. I've always been a very proactive person and just sitting around doing nothing never appealed to me. I always needed to be active. I educated myself a lot and I enjoyed developing my skills and abilities even when I wasn't necessarily succeeding. While in college, I led a team of salespeople and was a lecturer on sales skills and various product trainings.
Later on, I worked as a project manager in the construction industry, which I consider a perfect experience for the work I do now. Subsequently, I received an offer to start a company in the field of education, where I had a great deal of autonomy. I had the responsibility for results and that's exactly what has always fascinated me.
- In 2020, when life in Slovakia and beyond changed completely, I became completely independent and started my own business under my own name, MIRO KUBIŠ. At a time when colleagues in my industry were losing their jobs, I was one of the busiest consultants and trainers.
- What I enjoy most about my work is overcoming challenges and obstacles. When a client calls me to solve their problem and expects specific results from me. Usually, my work begins with an initial analysis, which often helps me to gain important trust, without which it's impossible to perform my work effectively. Then I set things in motion, in line with expectations and needs of the competent person. Sometimes it requires a reevaluation of those expectations.
What exactly do I do?
- I develop business teams, leaders at all levels as well as organize various HR training sessions and meetings. I inspire, stimulate, open eyes, drive progress and educate, always with an emphasis on an individual approach.
- I work with different people's attitudes and behaviors in different positions, their moods, their current mindset and I move them forward, all in the context of improving overall corporate relationships.
- I improve a teamwork, change an established communication and behavior patterns, open eyes, stimulate creativity and foster openness.
- I help people deal with stress, conflicts, manipulation and also how to provide a constructive feedback and maintain an internal balance.
How do I achieve results?
- I translate all my experience with groups into an individual customized training, enabling management to lead employees, provide a constructive feedback, handle communication crises, eliminate various barriers, increase an efficiency and a work quality as well as find a work-life balance.
- I apply an acquired knowledge and an experience directly in practice. I'm not in the habit of burdening people with specialized terminology.
- From behind a desk, you can accomplish very little. The essence of my work lies in the field, directly with people in the company.
- I can perceive essential details and build on them.
- I address the individual needs of a person or a group.
How do I see my work?
- I connect all aspects: thinking, emotions, health, behavior, and relationships
- I am results-oriented
- I look behind the scenes
- I have an impartial view of the current situation
- I change established habits
I work with all levels of management
- I have a strategic mindset and approach
- I bring business principles into leadership
My approach and method of education can be compared to a long-distance run. But at the finish line, you will find a sweet victory in the form of more satisfied and productive employees who are more courageous in their actions and provide constructive feedback.