Business and Team Development
Custom Solutions
A Personal & Business Development consultant functions as a partner to the owner and the result of their work is the transformation of the entire department or the company.
What do I offer?
- Long-term collaboration and assistance in the overall development of the organization
- Intervention in implementing changes that often impact everyone in the organization, including the owner
- Assistance in selecting quality employees, their adaptation, talent development through coaching and training, addressing compensation and evaluation methods
What do I most frequently address within a PaBD?
- Employee dissatisfaction and complaints about the leadership
- Employee turnover
- Poor workplace atmosphere
- Workplace conflicts
- Frequent product/service complaints
- Loss of clients
- Approach to work, interpersonal relations and the overall atmosphere
- Loss of trust and respect
- Work inefficiency and people's productivity
- Lack of systematic job roles and activities
- Establishment of corporate culture and values
- Team collaboration and team functioning
- Generational transitions
- etc.
Whom is a PaBD for?
- For large, medium-sized, small and micro companies.
- Companies with up to 49 employees - working with business owners, executives or a management personnel.
- Medium and large enterprises - working with all levels of management.
How do I work?
- Problem identification
- Identifying the cause of the problem based on analysis - using diagnostic results (e.g., CA Method) and individual/group discussions to quickly and effectively identify the root causes.
- Custom solutions
- Implementing change - directly in the workplace while the company is in operation. This includes shadowing, providing constructive feedback, facilitating, mediating, coaching, mentoring or resolving critical situations immediately when needed.
- Ongoing evaluation with the project sponsor - assessing the degree to which expectations and set goals have been met and jointly determining the next steps.
- Continued support - throughout the entire collaboration and beyond the evaluation of results.
What analytical tools do I use in my work?
Attitude analysis:
Soft Skills Analysis:
- Competency model development
- 360-degree feedback
- Assesment and Development Centers
Shadowing (Shadowing on the job)
- Interviews, Case studies, Role-plays